緣聚於這個世界 We get together in this world by fate.
大地土壤與空氣雨水 Rain nourishes the earth and exudes soil flavor.
流轉變遷的四季 Four seasons circulating and changes.
微風拂面 驟雨而至 Breeze kisses face and comes the heavy shower.
埋下的終會長成 The seeds we buried will eventually grow into something.
花開不見葉 One can't see leaves when flower bloom.
葉生不遇花 Another unable to meet flowers when leaf growth.
荼蘼落瓣未了 There is no end even the whole flower season is over.
(There is no end even the Rubus coronarius's petal all fall off.)
花隱於葉形之上 Flowers are hidden above the leaf's shape.
葉藏在花莖之下 Leaves hiding under the flower's stem.
日夜時刻伴隨 It accompany with you day and night always.
銘記不若忘記 It's more necessary to let go than inscribe on your heart.
#1. 標題, 以汝之名的 "汝" 代表曾經存在的人事物, 而目前已無可復返.
2. 第一段, 藉由大自然的現象, 比喻一段共同緣份的起始與轉變.
3. 第二段, 表達對於人事物逝去的感傷, 與無限的追憶, 而這是早已注定的.
4. 第三段, 由於花與葉本是同根生, 看不到的只是隱而不顯, 惦念者應釋懷.
5. 拍攝日期: 2018.08.09